Into and Above the Glacier

Tour details:

  • Supplier: Reykjavik Sightseeing
  • Location: Langjökull
  • Duration: 1 Hour1 Hour
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Price from: 39990
Categories: , SKU: 25eca2d173c8


We set off from Reykjavík towards Icelandic highlands above Húsafell in West Iceland in the early morning.

From the glacier base cap at Jaki we start our tour of the Langjökull Glacier Ice Cap. We begin with putting on the necessary clothing and getting our helmets fitted, we then listen to the safety briefing from our guide before we head out on our snowmobile tour. Then we´re ready to drive off across the glacier´s vast snowy wonderland and marvel at the incredible surroundings. We will actually drive our snowmobiles to the famous ice cave!

After riding the snowmobiles up the glacier we walk down into the glacier and the magnificent man-made Ice Cave. Your expert guide will take you on this fantastic journey to the icy netherworld deep within the glacier.

Until very recently what lies beneath the surface of Langjökull was a mystery. But sometimes bold ideas become a reality and this seemingly impossible feat of creating a 500 meter long ice cave was made possible through the combined efforts of the country´s top engineers and geo-physicists. Inside the glacier the temperature is usually around zero degrees Celsius or 32 Fahrenheit.

After snowmobiling and exploring the Ice Cave we make our way back to civilisation, or to the small village of Húsafell. After the day´s amazing adventures you can soak in the thermal swimming pool or relax in the hot tub. Truly a day to remember!

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